Get a Ph.D. in People before your Next Meeting

The art of communication takes center stage in the bustling realm of tradeshows for the architecture, construction, furniture, textile, and wholesale industries. Engaging with your audience transcends mere words—it is a symphony of mediums, messages, and emotional intelligence, concepts deeply explored by some of the greatest minds of the 20th century: Ludwig Wittgenstein, Marshall McLuhan, and Daniel Goleman.

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Marshal McLuhan: In 1964, Marshall McLuhan introduced the groundbreaking concept, "The medium is the message," asserting that the medium through which communication occurs is more significant than the messages conveyed. This book might be familiar if you have ever taken an art studio or communications course. In the context of the furniture, textile, and wholesale industries, McLuhan's theory implies that the methods by which we engage our audience, whether through trade shows, Zoom calls, or elevator pitches, shape the fabric of our business interactions. Medium is the Massage is a fun ‘read’ (nearly 100% visual) and taught primarily for graphic design, art, and photography courses, a great nightstand read and coffee table book! - LHM

Ludwig Wittgenstein: In philosophy, Ludwig Wittgenstein stands as one of the most influential figures of the 20th century. His groundbreaking work, particularly his early masterpiece "Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus" and later "Philosophical Investigations," revolutionized our understanding of language, logic, and the nature of thought itself. Wittgenstein's exploration of language games, meaning, and the limits of language continues to shape philosophical discourse and has profound implications for various fields, including psychology, linguistics, and artificial intelligence. I delight in his word games, this cherished book has traveled many miles to stay on my bookshelves. - LHM

Daniel Goleman: Renowned psychologist and science journalist Daniel Goleman is best known for his pioneering work on emotional intelligence (EI) and its impact on personal and professional success. Through his bestselling books, including "Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ" and "Social Intelligence: The New Science of Human Relationships," Goleman has brought attention to the critical role of EI in leadership, relationships, and overall well-being. His research and insights have reshaped how we perceive intelligence and have led to a greater emphasis on emotional and social skills in education, business, and everyday life. Emotional Intelligence is a book I come back to time and time again as a centering pillar, Know Thyself, and The Social Arts, weave themselves into sales life time and time again. This should always be taught for sales! - LHM

Concepts into Action

McLuhan's Medium is the Message:

Now, enter McLuhan's realm where "the medium is the message (massage)." A furniture designer at a tradeshow (or architect going into a meeting) wields multiple media – spoken words, visual displays, negotiations, and cultural cues. The content of the medium becomes crucial: the technical details of a product, the negotiation process, or the cultural nuances embedded in a design. McLuhan's insight reminds us that it's not just about what is communicated but how the medium shapes and influences the overall Message.

Elevator Pitches: Don't ignore the fact that the content of the pitch often closes our eyes to the delivery method. Elevator Pitches are SHORT, and audiences will remember 1-2 things you said. What can you cram into a SHORT pitch before the doors close?

Phone Calls: Overcome distance + time for in-the-moment response time with concise responses + saving one more email to read + delayed responses; use sparingly for items that don't require a paper trail but are immediate.

Zoom Calls: Adapt to today's digital landscape and distractions, find ways to connect meaningfully, hold short attention spans, and change the language to grab audience interaction engagement.

Meetings + Trade Shows: Align with the atmosphere created by the shows + physical presence and excitement. Plan presence considering not only products but also immersive experiences + fleeting moments.   

C-Suite Engagements: McLuhan's concept of medium's "massaging" individuals applies here. Tailor messages to resonate with executives, focusing on their goals. Remember, it’s not just about what you say, but how it’s received in their boardrooms.

Wittgenstein's Language Games:

Wittgenstein, the philosopher of language, introduced the idea of "language games." (Example of a language game: the utterance "Water!" could be an order, answer to a question, or another form of communication; it’s all context.) Picture an unveiling of a new collection and designs. Different language games unfold – technical jargon versus layperson's terms, visual communication through design aesthetics, negotiations, and the nuanced language of cultural symbolism. In Wittgenstein's world, these diverse modes of communication represent distinct language games, each with its own rules and conventions. One way to put language games into practice when communicating is by remembering Water! And is it a command, question, or what is the context? Otherwise, you get all wet.

When in doubt, be an active listener and ask questions.

Goleman's Emotional Intelligence in Action:

In the dynamic realm of meetings and tradeshows for the architecture, construction, design, furniture, textile, and wholesale industries, effective communication extends beyond words and mediums—it's also about emotional intelligence. EI bridges Wittgenstein's language games and McLuhan's medium-centric perspective. Goleman’s perspective adds another layer to our understanding of connecting with others. At a tradeshow, understanding and managing emotions – both yours and those of others – becomes paramount. Whether empathizing with a client's needs, diffusing tension during negotiations, or exuding confidence and enthusiasm in presentations, emotional intelligence underpins effective communication in every aspect of the tradeshow experience.

Graduation Day

Whether you’re an architect, designer, contractor, furniture, textile, or wholesale professional, mastering this trio of perspectives equips you with a robust toolkit for navigating the ever-evolving landscape of connections and communication. Remember, it’s not just about relaying information when you talk – it’s about holistic engagement. Whether it’s the day-to-day moments or high-stakes meetings and negotiations practicing for those critical moments can start outside of work through reading and playing games with friends and family.

So, whether you are forging genuine bonds in a new relationship, grasping the intricacies of the medium of the meeting setting, or paying attention with your keen emotional intelligence, you have the power to create impactful interactions that breed success.

From presenting a new collection, negotiating deals, or deciphering cultural cues, this combined wisdom from Wittgenstein, McLuhan, and Goleman equips you with a higher-level understanding of authentic and dynamic connections.

Your first move is crucial as you enter the world with this newfound education. Will you embark on a journey of exploration, putting your insights into practice?

Or perhaps you'll dive headfirst into your next project, armed with confidence and clarity?

Whatever path you choose, remember: authentic connections and dynamic communication are your keys to success. So go forth, equipped with the wisdom of Wittgenstein, McLuhan, and Goleman, and make your mark on the world.

As you embark on this pivotal journey, remember that authentic connections and dynamic communication will guide you. And if you need a partner to help you navigate this path, Henley McKinnon is here to help, with insights, fun, and creativity, we will elevate your market presence.

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Whether you’re ready to transform your sales and marketing approach, have questions, seek guidance, or are eager to embark on a journey to grow market share, we’re here to assist! We’re committed to making lasting connections and driving your business forward. Drop us a message, and our team will guide you and connect with you on the next steps in building toward your success.


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